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a rush of souls
a film by Aedin Moloney
alone together
In 2021, as the world began to re-emerge, 30 diverse and acclaimed artists, spanning two continents, came together in harmony,
to share their personal reflections on Regeneration, Renewal, Rebirth.
Following a turbulent year worldwide, filled with isolation, loneliness, fear and grief, Aedín Moloney has guided this extraordinary group of artists into creating new music, story, poetry & performance. In March 2021, Aedín invited each artist to express their personal connection to "Rising." What has emerged is a bounty of art from the purest source and a desire, both collectively and individually, to connect, to heal, to rejoice. A journey towards resurrection.
Paddy Moloney,
Carlos Núñez, Lisa Lambe, Luka Bloom,
Amanda Brown, Colum McCann,
Deirdre Kinahan, Cara Butler,
Michael Brunnock, Ger Gallagher, Geraldine Plunkett, Seamus Moran, Geraldine Hughes,
Tomás Doncker, Aedín Moloney,
Rachael Dowling, Caridad De La Luz "La Bruja,"
Ryan Woods,Winsome Brown, Judith Hannan,
Michael Mellamphy, Ruth Kavanagh,
Keshav Moodliar, Nicola Murphy, Clara Onymere, Emmett O'Malley, Deanie Richardson, Jon Pilatzke,
Ciaran O'Reilly, Katherine O'Sullivan.
Take the journey with them out of the dark and into the light.

Paddy Moloney

Fallen Angel Theatre's
ALONE TOGETHER video series
has been made possible by the generous support of donors like you
and the following Guardian Angels:

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