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Fallen Angel Theatre Company, Inc.



Fallen Angel Theatre was founded in 2003 by actress and director, Aedin Moloney. It is a non-profit company based in New York committed to presenting outstanding & dynamic Irish & British  plays written by and about women. This wealth of female writing has largely been untapped in the US.  Fallen Angel Theatre is the first American company with the goal of interpreting these plays in a fresh, exciting and commercially viable way for New York audiences.


Fallen Angel Theatre has a goal to create a new and diverse audience base that transcends cultural barriers thanks in both to the universal themes in the writing and the company's production quality.


Fallen Angel Theatre has strong ties to the community and has an outreach program working with area non‑profits, organizations & individuals, with the goal of expanding education and knowledge about their work in the community. Our work with these non-profits takes different forms. We facilitate a two-way collaboration with the organizations in the development stages of our project which benefits both the organization's members and our company members during the Production process. We also support organizations by contributing a percentage of our box office takings towards their causes.


Statement of Purpose

by Aedin Moloney

Founder and Producing Artistic Director


My purpose in starting this theatre company is as follows: 


I have worked for 30 years in theatre, both in England, Ireland and North America. During these past years I have been blessed to be an active part of a constantly evolving art form, steeped in three very different cultures.


For me the heartbeat of theatre is the writer. When a new playwright creates a piece of art, he or she is doing more than presenting a piece of himself or herself. They are representing their heritage, their country, its culture, and its ever-changing history.


There is a vibrant and exciting surge of insightful and soulful female writing which has largely been untapped here in NY,

depriving us not only of important works, but also of an opportunity to get to know and ever changing Ireland and Britain.

The goal of Fallen Angel Theatre is to contribute to NY's next phase of its own evolution and cultural growth with the introduction of fresh and daring works by and about Women, which will not only educate and entertain, but most importantly, inspire.


January 1st, 2011

Aedín Moloney

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